Jeff Bezos, Amazon Founder and CEO, has defied the laws and basic principles of human wealth. He is a self-made man who is a modest 36% richer than the British Monarch.
As the literal richest person on planet Earth, Bezos was also the first to accumulate a fortune over $100-billion, setting a precedence in our society for how much wealth one individual could acquire.
With an estimated net worth of $178-billion, outranking the second richest person in the world, Bill Gates, by $16-billion – Jeff Bezos still has to answer to a higher power for his fortune.
Congress isn’t happy, and everyone is collectively raising their left eyebrow as they take notice of Bezos’s wealth skyrocketing since the beginning of 2020. His net worth has surged to $25-billion in the early days of the pandemic alone.
It is difficult to shrewdly slide under the nose of the U.S. legislature when you accounted for 45% of the total U.S. e-commerce spending in 2019, especially when you are in the process of drastically escalating that amount in the turbulent disarray of 2020.
Not only is Congress tired of walking on eggshells around Bezos’ capitalistic dethroning, but the committee is also finding it increasingly difficult to ignore his growingly–tumultuous relationship with his employees regarding a fair work environment.
Rina Cummings reported in May of 2020 on her multiple 12-hour shifts for Amazon. She writes in her Buzzfeed exposé, “in the best of times, the work I did at the Amazon warehouse left me aching and numb. Now, going to work is just terrifying.”
In February, Cummings told The Guardian that while working at Amazon, she was:
“At the mercy of God.”
The Unseen, The Overworked, the Underpaid –The Amazon Workers
Gently leaving a package at your door and sliding off into the day like magical merchandise tooth fairies – the amazon workers are experiencing an unheard strife that you may not be aware of. Amazon doesn’t want you to be aware of these ‘trade secrets,’ but there is growing tension amongst the company staff that is quickly spreading like wildfire.
With Amazon workers saying, “I’m not a robot,’ the warehouse conditions are reported as being grueling, unreasonable, and exploitative.
Expected to move an alleged 1800-boxes per half-hour in the warehouse and fulfillment roles – The pressure is high, expectations are high, and mercy is dead-set to low.
Many of us have grown entirely too dependent on Amazon’s ease during the trying times of quarantine. Still, most people are not publicly aware of how vigorously they are running Amazon employees.
When diving into Amazon’s quieter-kept reports pertaining to fair employment environments and worker safety, the discoveries are surprisingly brutal:
“The rate of severe injuries at the Amazon warehouses in the investigation was more than double the national average for the industry.
An injury rate of 9.6 for every 100 full-time warehouse workers in 2018, compared to the national average of 4,” according to this report highlighting Amazon's serious injury rates.
Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont directly addressed OSHA (The Occupational Safety and Health Administration), in December of 2019, citing that he demanded the Department of Labor take immediate action to “investigate this rampant abuse.”
Email for the remainder of this article - Juliethillbrand@gmail.com
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