04/2021 - 09/2022
Brand & Content Manager | NFT Director
Global Healing | Dr. Group Brand | Global Healing Institute
Reach: Up 760%
Impressions: Up 1027%
Conversions: Up 36%
YouTube Channel Views: 25+ Million
Reels Views: 100K+ monthly
Grew Instagram from 0 followers to 9K in 6 months (organic traffic only)

Reels Views = Exceeding 189K in 7 weeks
46.2K on 1 post in January 2021

2K views before I joined the team, up to 32K in the first video I edited/posted "Supercharged C60"
Increased YouTube engagement by 1500%.
Managed 18+ platforms, including YouTube, and honed the branding style to the client's preferences as we went along, finding the style in later sequences through experimentation.

Hum Data Science Intelligence Platform
(Online Portal for National Association Founders and Members)

2023 Health client

Enerwisely Energy Company
(Partners of Centerpoint & Reliant Energy; American Fortune 500 Companies)

